Italy Milan Mission
February 2, 2011 - August 2, 2012

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Me iN NuMBeRs

Languages fluently spoken: 2
Countries set foot in: 11
Times eaten sushi: 1
Items on current to do list: 18
Kids taught to swim: 682
Bones broken: 0
Schools attended: 11
Homes lived in: 8
Finals grades received lower than A: 4
Times I have tried out/applied for something and not made it: 1
PB&Js eaten: 1/4
Consecutive months without driving(while having a license): 11
Hotel swimming pools swam in without residing there: 18
Hours spent on one train ride: 8
Fires built with a stick and a bow: 3
Times I have seen the Pope in person: 2
Age moved out and away from home: 17
Price of most expensive possession: $600
Sunglasses bought and broken in a year: 9
Bee stings: 2
Bloody noses: 4
Pears found in one oyster: 2
Consecutive months without shaving legs or armpits: 11
Times skipped school for those perfect powder days: 29
Pounds gained in one year in Europe: 25
Intake of alcohol: 0
Siblings: 5
Yellow cards received in soccer: 6
State title won: 1
Times as a patient in hospital: 1
Hours spent in most favorite country: 6
Different types of currency in wallet: 5
Miles ran this week: 28
Weekend roadtrips this summer: 7