Italy Milan Mission
February 2, 2011 - August 2, 2012

Friday, March 18, 2011

Baton Rouge: Week 2


You see 'WHO DAT' EVERYWHERE here. People here LIVE for the Saints. My companion said that during football season no one ever let them in and they could never make appointments. People be watchin dem Saints play, der be no time fo dem church ladies!

Ahh the South. I just love it here. I really feel like I have been here for ages. I can't believe it has only been two weeks. We just do SO MUCH during the day!! By the time I am getting ready for bed at night, it seemed like the morning work out happened the week before. It is awesome though. It gives me a grand feeling of accomplishment that I have never experienced before the mission.

- I have finally had a few dinner appointments! hahaha. I was really looking forward to trying crazy food at people's houses! But it is a rule that missionaries can't eat at members houses unless there are investigators there. So we can only eat at investigators houses. We had some delicious Jumblia prepared by Roy. It was sooo super good. Cajun food is not pretty looking at all. Most every dish I have seen just looks like a big mushy mess. But the flavors.....and spices......ahhh my mouth is watering. Super good. All kinds of sausages. Chicken. Craw fish (never call it crawdads or they won't know what you are talking about). Creole food is more flavorful while cajun food is more spicy burning hot, generally speaking. Yum yum. Sunday we ate at a Brazilian ladies house and had delicious Brazilian food and LOTS of fruits that was the best part. Alright, lots of detail on food haha sorry. It is just super here!
- We are teaching some AMAZING people right now. Two have baptism dates for next Saturday, and two have baptism dates for April 9th (which sadly, I will be gone by then...) Tia and Kim are sisters. Their older sister Ire (20 yrs old) got baptized last year and is a power house. An amazing example to her younger sisters. Tia is 13, Kim is 16. We taught them the plan of salvation last night and they were just like sponges. Soaking everything up, wide-eyed and happy. It was so great. Teaching people the plan of salvation is one of my favorite things to do. It is incredible. I LOVE Heavenly Father's plan for all his children! It is so basic that you can draw a few circles and explain it, yet so deep and dynamic that I could spend weeks studying about it. It is just amazing. It gives people such peace and happiness knowing where they came from, why they are here, and exactly where they are headed after they die. It is a message of hope. We are also teaching John Rector, 19 years old, from Flordia. He is a sweetheart, would never ask a thing from anyone, just a kind-hearted giving person. His aunt who he is staying with is Donna, who I might of mentioned, got baptized right before I got here. Anyways. He loves the Gospel. He loves learning. Melissa Ibarro is in her 20's. She is incredible. She has 3 baby boys and a hard working husband. She is getting baptized next week and her husband will soon get baptized too, I am sure. I think I told you a little about her already..She is just one of those people that after like 5 minutes of listening to the missionaries KNEW they were sent to her from God and that the gospel is true. Teaching her is amazing. One of my other favorite parts is hearing these people pray after the lessons. They give such honest good prayers. They love their Heavenly Father and are so grateful. We are also teaching a few other really cool people. A mission is amazing.
-I still LOVE tracting haha. It is so funny! People are SO FUNNY!!!!!!! One door will be the nicest lady ever and just want to talk to us for hours. They very next one will be some CRAZY toothless guy who has no idea what is going on. The diversity here is SO AWESOME! It is so great because all these diverse people, all races and nationalities, just live here in total peace. No racism. It is beautiful I love it!! We have had some awesome miracles while tracting this last week. We will just pray to be directed to a street, and then we will meet someone like they just fell into our laps, ready to listen and learn about God and his plan and his church. It is amazing. I feel SO BLESSED to be able to be directed by Heavenly Father to these people. It is a blessing. We are so small and imperfect yet God still does His work and reaches out to His children through us. Such a blessing. Everyone go on a mission.
-Little message for everyone. DO YOUR MISSIONARY WORK! Seriously! We are SO BLESSED TO HAVE THE GOSPEL! To know about it. To be able to study about it and learn about it. To know God's plan for us. So your gratitude and share they things you know with someone else! Everyone else! Thanks:)
-Ummmm transfers were yesterday! My companion and I are staying here..haha. Which is awesome because my companion is amazing and I love her. I really can't imagine anyone else I could get along better with as a companion on a mission. Such a blessing.
-So..I have over two weeks left or something here in Louisiana I think? Then off to Italia. I don't really think about it too much. When the time comes, I'll go. For now. I just am loving it here. It is gorgeous weather everyday. Beautiful sun rises and sun sets, I see both everyday haha. But the people here....ahh they are simply amazing. I love them all. I love being a missionary. I love learning new things everyday. I love having a question about a gospel doctrine or something I don't really understand, then praying to Heavenly Father, sit down and study it, and have my questions answered. It is the best feeling. I just want to do it the rest of my life. There is so much to learn.

Well. I can't think of much else. Today the bishops wife is taking us to the Zoo for preparation day. Ahhh yeahh. I am excited haha. My camera broke so I will be buying a new one. But I took a few on sis Dupaix's camera that I will upload and attach.

I just love yall soo much!


Sista Simkins

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